About Signifigo

We live in an age of great technology and digital connectives. We are lucky to be part of such world, with so much being offered for each and every one of us.

But this doesn’t come without issues. Despite being more connected to the world, there’s more and more evidence that we are acting more detached when it comes to the real world.

At Signifigo we aim to do our small part to serve in the mission to create more meaningful connections in real life, and while we can’t pretend we’re changing the world, we surely can do a small bit to create more meaningful experiences.

With Signifigo, our aim is to help people in finding gifts and unique items that have the potential to be of significance to people whom they arrive to.
We believe that personalisation is a key ingredient when it comes to achieving this objective.
When making a gift, it’s often very hard to get it right and actually truly surprise the other meaningful one for the better, but add personalisation and suddenly the odds of success go up manyfold.
People love to feel cared for, to feel valued and understood and that’s what we’d like to help with.
Our range of unique items, will allow you to add that extra spark and flare and make sure you do your part to gift something that actually feels like “care” in a box.
Signifigo signifies the desire to connect with people in a personal level and as such, everything we do reflect this mission and goal.

Want to talk? Drop us a message! We’d love to hear what you have to say. We promise we’ll listen.

With Love,
Signifigo's Founding Team