5 ways to make gifts that people will love, without going broke.

5 ways to make gifts that people will love, without going broke.

When you come from a culture that loves gifts like I am, it’s always important to be able to understand what people would appreciate and love.

To me personally gifting is an experience and a chance to connect with someone, instead of just an object or act.

Gifting like many things is a matter of practice and care. If you want to be good at it, you must put your mind and thoughts into it.

So without further a due, let me get straight into the pointers.

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Fulfil a need

Most of the people think in terms of vanity and superficial elements when buying a gift.

I believe that whatever the occasion or the person, a personal touch, always makes the difference.

Think of it in terms of what you need right now? If something broke, or needs replaced, wouldn’t you like if somebody helped you get that replaced? I know I would.

Think in practical terms and what would help the other person in their day to day life. Show that you care and you put time to understand what they actually need.

Time is valued more than money

Especially in today’s society where we have more distractions than ever before. Spending time to show somebody you care, makes that extra mile.

Volunteer your time to help the other person with personal stuff, take time off work to interact with your family and loved ones (and away from your phone).

Look for ways you can spend time instead of money.

An experience is a memory

A 2014 study by Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at Cornell University, found that experiential adventures — such as travel, a concert, or viewing exhibitions — were far more powerful in shaping our lives and boosting our happiness than any commercial, material goods.

When it comes to experiences, personally I like to browse in places like Groupon or AirBnB.

Groupon allows me to find great experiences for half the price, while AirBnB helps me find unique experiences that are very experiential.

In both cases, I can spend less money and get 2 or more reservations in reward.

By joining the person I gift to, on the purchased experience, I’m also giving them my time, as I mentioned on the previous point.

The alternative to time and experiences is personalisation

Not everybody has the time, and not everybody wants to go out on a restaurant or pottery course, so what’s the alternative?

We talked about personalisation above. Wen you want to go for something material instead of an experience, the best tip to count on, is personalisation. 

Personalisation is at the very essence of why we founded Signifigo.

We wanted to create a way for people to gift very personal and unique items that last through time and are experiential in nature.

For example, when you a create a necklace or bracelet that has a printed image of you and your loved one on a significant moment in time, that will convey care, mindfulness and it’s going to be a conversation igniter many times in the future.

Offers from Signifigo

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Do something unexpected

Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, special day in time, or another holiday. A great way to make an impression is to do something no one expects.

Wether it’s waking up at 5 a clock and redecorating the living room, for that persons event, or celebrating a birthday one day before, doing something unexpected, almost always does the trick.

An example is when I had my birthday. Instead of expecting gifts, I made a gift for my mom. She has been talking about that experience more times that I could count.